Friday, July 29, 2005

Heather's Goals: Weekly Update

Yikes! I did terribly on my goals this week, mostly due to the massive painting job we're doing on the interior of my house. My apologies for not keeping on top of my goals. The moral of the story is that we can all get side-tracked from our goals, but we can't let that keep stop us from continuing to work on them. A challenge to myself (and to you, if you'd like to join me): complete 100% of my goals this week.

The upcoming week's goals:

1. Attend my Tuesday/Thursday religion class every time from now until the last day of class. (This is the last week, so my goal is to attend both classes.)
2. Read my scriptures every day, at least 10 verses.
3. Exercise at least 1-2 times.
4. Clean one area of the house weekly (Wednesday).
5. Clean one area of my room daily. (Except on goal 4 days.)

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