Sunday, June 03, 2007

Dream Big

Jill Koenig from the American Chronicle says that she has acheived some crazy goals over the last year. She says not to listen if some tells you to make just "reasonable" goals:

Don't set easy Goals. Set Goals that make you stretch. Set goals that challenge you and force you to grow. Set Goals that motivate you to become more today than you were yesterday. Set Goals that make you become extraordinary. Set Goals that scare you. Set Goals that make you feel ALIVE. Set Goals that are compelling and be willing to do the work.

Set some UNrealistic Goals.

Set some INSANE Goals.

Live Your Dreams


Goal Guru said...

Thank you for sharing this message and helping people to think bigger. Our only limit in life is our imagination.

Live Your Dreams,

Jill Koenig

Hillary said...

I like your post, Goal Setting possibly motivate us to work hard and challenge us to get our target and be successful.

YourGoalBook said...

Great post! All too often we hear about all the reasons that we shouldn't dream too big... I say too hell with that. Without a rampant imagination we'd still be chasing buffalo across the plains.

Anonymous said...

I listened to this great podcast on Goal Setting from a guy called Bevan James Eyles. He seems to be a top fitness professional. This was a different take on goal setting and it opened my eyes on how to be more successful in doing it. You can get it here:
