Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Make it Clear

"Setting a proper goal is a trickier process than it seems," says the Blog Mr. Wang Says So. And "setting a proper goal is very important because a properly-set goal will automatically become much easier to achieve."

The key is clarity. You need to be very clear when you set a goal. The clearer your goal is, the more achievable it will be. Because you will know exactly what you need to do next, to bring you closer to your goal. No shooting in the dark, no beating around the bushes, no getting lost in the woods.

I really like how Mr. Wang expresses this: it's a lot of what my top 10 goal tips say, but a very concise way of putting it: when you are setting goals, strive for clarity! :)

1 comment:

Gilbert Koh aka Mr Wang said...

Thank you for reading!