Friday, July 15, 2005

Heather's Goals: Weekly Update

Here's a weekly update on my goals:

1. Attend my Tuesday/Thursday religion class every time from now until the last day of class.
Results so far: I attended class on Thursday! Whoo-hoo! I was running late from work and had to hurry, but I arrived just in time for class.

2. Read my scriptures every day, at least 10 minutes for the next week.
Results so far: So far, so good. Note to self: I need to remember to read tonight.

3. Exercise three times weekly.
Results so far: I went on a walk last night. It was so great to be out after being laid up with my sprained ankle for so long.

4. This weekend make a thank-you card for my best friend.
Results so far: Not yet completed. Note to self: Deadline is approaching!

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